Pegasus Mail

Pegasus Mail: Pegasus Mail is a free, standards-based electronic mail client suitable for use by single or multiple users on single computers or on local area networks. A proven product, it has served millions of users since it was released in 1990. It is extremely feature-rich and powerful, yet remains small and fast. Pegasus Mail will run on all versions of Windows starting with Windows XP and later version of Windows.

Pegasus Mail v4.81 is the combination of a long and difficult process, adding support for the so-called OAUTH2 “standard” as it is implemented by Google’s Gmail service. Pegasus Mail now has single-button configuration for Gmail, and complies with all of Google’s requirements for user mailbox access using its OAUTH2 authentication scheme and goes much further than can be described.

Pegasus Mail (PMail) is fit for single or multiple users on stand-alone computers and for internal and Internet mail on local area networks. The minimal system requirements of Pegasus Mail compared with rival products, for instance the installed program (excluding mailboxes) for version 4.52 requires only around 13.5 MB of hard drive space.
Pegasus Mail is suitable as a portable application for USB drives because it does not make changes to the Windows registry or the system directory. Pegasus Mail is available in German (as well as English), in the previous language packs it was available for French and Italian.